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Bayreuth is the native city of the unionist, politician and anti-Fascist member of the resistance Wilhelm Leuschner who was born on June 15th 1890. His birthplace in Moritzhöfen 25 is since September 2003 a memorial as remembrance of his work. At the same time it is a historical place of learning for future generations.
Since 1993 the Bayreuth club for Cultural and Social History endeavoured for the preservation of the birth house of Wilhelm Leuschner. After placed under preservation order by the city of Bayreuth and the prevention of the submitted abridgement in the year 2000 by the former owner it became after the renovation of the house by the new private owner a memorial and educational institution  in cooperation between the city of Bayreuth and the Wilhelm-Leuschner-Foundation.

On our web pages you can inform about Wilhelm Leuschner, his inheritance which is scientifically looked after by us and as well as through our memorial work. Under the menu “contact” you can contact us. About suggestions for improving our web site we would be very grateful.


In 2012 we kooperated with the Holocaust Education Trust in London/Great Britain, who wanted to make cards with german resitance fighter against the Nazi-Regime. We helped them to make the script about his life and gave them a picture out of our archive. It shows Wilhelm Leuschner as minister of interior affairs of hessia 1928. Click here to download.

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